Very interseting outlook! Loved the quote 'he came to the conclusion that if he couldn’t take action with the information he was given, he’d prefer not to know.'.

Often, as tech people, it's hard for us to grasp that people prefer not to know. We grasp data as a gold mine, the more the better.

I was curious to see that none of the answers about data was 'saving time'. I know that agritculture is very time intensive, especially during the summer. Having accurate and relevant data can 'free' the farmers from crazy work days and give them some room to be with the families, or even more free time to dedicate to other important decisions.

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Thanks Anton! That comment from my processor was such a refreshing perspective shift that not all information is created equal, nor inherently valuable.

On the time savings piece -- totally agree that can be a benefit. I lumped that under “improve efficiency”, but can appreciate that there might be some differences between time savings alone and translating that into efficiency!

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