That lowered tax threshold is brutal.

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Indeed! The good news is that there are many steps farmers can take to reduce that tax burden. The exemption is per person, so for a married couple, that limit is effectively doubled. It’s a lifetime limit, so many are making gifts to their heirs this year before the exemption expires to lock in this higher limit. A skilled tax financial/tax advisor can help farmers be strategic by using these tactics, trusts and other legal structures — lots of options, but all require planning ahead.

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Well done. Note that even the equitable distribution approach requires detailed planning. For example, will K1 be given the right - per a lease- to lease K2s land at a reasonable rent? If a reasonable rent cannot be agreed upon is there a mechanism to break the deadlock. Will K1 have a right of first refusal on K2s land perhaps with seller financing? There are always details and what ifs to think through and address. You are 100% correct. The plan needs to be reviewed and discussed no less than annually.


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Thank you! Those are great examples of the complexity - none of this is easy!

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